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Office Politics


This course will discuss the “five Ws and one H” of office politics: Who is involved; what are office politics; when do they occur; where do they occur; why they cannot be avoided; and how they work. This content will also discuss the positive and negative aspects of office politics, as well as ways to neutralize the negative aspects.



  • Introduction
  • Five Ws and One H
  • Good or Bad?
  • Summary

Office Politics

  • 1 Hour/ .1 CEU


    At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

    • IDENTIFY the “five Ws (who, what, when, where, why) and one H (how)” of office politics.
    • IDENTIFY positive and negative features of office politics and identify how to neutralize the negative features.
  • Reminder

    Enrollment in this course expires in 12 months from the date of payment.

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