This course discusses guidance and discipline techniques for young children and the importance of discipline in a child’s social and emotional development. Four age ranges and stages of early childhood development, care provider interventions, and assessment techniques used to identify children with behavioral disorders are discussed. The elements of a well-organized classroom, the benefits of a consistent daily schedule, and the role of rules, rituals, and routines in managing children’s behavior are identified.
Positive Solutions for Challenging Behaviors
2 Hour/ .2 CEU
- After reading about challenging behaviors, participant will be able to recall the definitions of guidance and discipline through a multiple-choice quiz.
- After reading about interventions, participant will be able to identify interventions that promote positive behavioral changes through a multiple-choice quiz.
- After reading about managing behaviors, participant will be able to recall the role of rules, rituals, and routines in managing children’s behavior through a multiple-choice quiz.
Enrollment in this course expires in 12 months from the date of payment.