Stress is a part of everyday living. World events such as the September 11th terrorist attacks and the devastating tsunami in Thailand leave people struggling with painful memories and an overwhelming sense of loss. Each person is different and handles traumatic events in a unique way. Traumatic events can trigger a number of physical problems, such as stomach problems, trouble sleeping, and headaches. Such events can also lead to psychological problems, including feelings of hopelessness, difficulty concentrating, and a constant alertness or jumpiness.
This course familiarizes students with the signs and symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It also discusses effects of trauma, stress management techniques, and causes and treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among adolescents.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
1 Hour/ .1 CEU
- After reading about PTSD, participant will be able to identify causes of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder through a multiple-choice quiz.
- After reading about techniques, participant will be able to recall techniques for alleviating traumatic stress through a multiple-choice quiz.
Enrollment in this course expires in 12 months from the date of payment.