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Working with Children with Disabilities


Providing care for children is an important, challenging job. Caring for children with physical or mental disabilities adds extra challenges for child care providers. In order to provide for special needs children, child care centers may need to adapt their programs to make them inclusive. This lesson discusses principles of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), methods to consider when implementing an inclusive child care plan, ways to adapt an existing child care program to make it inclusive, legal ramifications for non-compliance and availability of tax deductions for compliance with ADA, and the benefits of, and barriers to, an inclusive child care program.

Working with Children with Disabilities

  • 1 Hour/ .1 CEU


    • After reading about methods, participant will be able to recall methods to consider when implementing an inclusive child care plan through a multiple-choice quiz.
    • After reading about adaptations, participant will be able to recall ways to adapt an existing child care program to make it inclusive for intellectual, hearing, learning, motor, and vision impairments through a multiple-choice quiz. 
  • Reminder

    Enrollment in this course expires in 12 months from the date of payment.

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